Persons or groups wishing to present a delegation to Council may do so by appearing in person or via electronic means at any regular scheduled Meeting of Council or at any special meeting that has been called where the specific matter will be discussed. Further definitions and requirements are available in Bylaw 1080/GEN/2022.
An application for a request to appear as a delegation must be received, in writing, on the prescribed form 4 days prior to the requested meeting attendance date (7 days for electronic means presentations). Information required includes:
Presentations are required to be delivered at 7:00 pm at the direction of the Chair and are limited to 20 minutes, following which members of Council will be provided with an opportunity to ask questions. Improper conduct by delegations will be subject to correction by the Chair and governed by Bylaw 1080/GEN/2022.
Once delegations are complete, Council will move forward with the agenda and delegation discussion will commence further into the agenda. Any motion of Council pertaining to the delegation will be forwarded to the person or group by administration following the meeting.
All presentations and materials may become part of the public record and may be published in a Council agenda package. These packages are posted for public viewing to the Town of Fairview’s Agenda and Minutes viewing portal.