About Fairview

Vision Statement

Lead the Peace Country as a progressive, innovative, and accessible community with diverse recreational, cultural, and economic opportunities.

Mission Statement

Fairview is a progressive town that invests in community development, provides quality services, delivers recreational and cultural opportunities by building partnerships, and fosters community pride and quality of life.

Council Strategic Plan

The Town of Fairview’s collective vision is one of Serving and Building a thriving and inviting Community. This vision is brought to life every day by the most valuable resource any organization could have: its people. The Town of Fairview is proud to serve our community with Honesty, Excellence, Authenticity, Respect, and a Thriving focus for the future (H.E.A.R.T.).

In 2017, Fairview Town Council placed a specific focus on the future of our community with the Municipal Growth Plan, outlining strategic areas of Economic DevelopmentRecreation, Infrastructure, and Communication / Community Safety. This dedication continued to grow and in 2019, the Downtown Resurgence was added to the list of future goals. Specific strategies have been developed to ensure success in these five strategic pillars and determine what drives departmental work plans. They also form a direction for long-term planning and annual budgeting.

The principal theme of Financial Sustainability has remained Council’s focus to provide the cost-effective stable living environment Fairview is renowned for.  As the municipal tax rate has remained steady since 2013 and allocating two separate tax rate decreases for our residents; even during some of the most turbulent economic times this world has experienced.